Friday 4 December 2009


Template Of Our Questionnaire

Here is the template to our questionnaire:
1. What gender are you?Female ___ Male ___
2. What age are you?15-16 ___ 17-18 ___ 19-20 ___ 21-23 ___ 24+ ___
3. What genre in films do you prefer?Romantic Comedies, Horror, Thriller or Other _____________________________
4. Do you watch romantic comedies?Yes ___ No ___ Sometimes ___
5. What would attract your attention to watch a romantic film?
6. What do you dislike about a romantic comedy?
7. Would you prefer a romantic comedy if you could relate to it?
Yes ___
No ___
8. What do you prefer?American Romantic ComediesEnglish Comedies &Why ………………………………………………………………………….......................................................
9. What lifestyle do you prefer in romantic comedies?
‘Urban Lifestyle’ ____
‘Posh Lifestyle’ ___
10. What point of view would you prefer to see a romantic comedy from?
1st Person ____
3rd Person _____
11. What emotion are you normally left feeling with at the end of a romantic comedy?
12. Why do you watch romantic comedies?
We appreciate that you have taken time out to complete our questionnaire!Thank You :)

Questionnaire Summary

After researching through the different genres and gaining an understanding of the codes and conventions through different analysis, I have decided to do a romantic comedy as my final piece as 40% of people aged between 15-20 preferred romantic comedy to any other genre. I gathered this information from my questionnaires which where handed out around the college and out side of the working environment into my family home. By doing this gathered that majority of females asked aged 15-19 favoured romantic comedies rather than watch a horror or a thriller, some of the reasons given for this for this was that they found a romantic comedies more interesting and funny, and it was they liked the idea they could watch a film without being scared of what is going to happen and afraid of what will happen next. A large amount of females aged 15-20 said that the only thing they disliked about watching a romantic comedy was that it is too unrealistic and the story lines are sometimes predictable.

The most popular style of romantic comedy was American Rom Com’s which were preferred by both male and female. In the questionnaire they were asked to define why they preferred American comedies and both genders answered because they hadn’t really seen many British Romantic Comedies and because the actors are funnier and the actors in American Romantic Comedies are at a better standard of acting. Also 30% of females who took part answered they favoured an American comedy to an English one for the reason that the actors are more “glamorous” and English films always look low budged

The question 9 was ‘what lifestyle do you prefer in romantic comedies?’ they had the choices of ‘urban lifestyle’ and ‘posh lifestyle’ and 80% of the participants answered ‘urban lifestyle’.

The participants where also asked what point of view they prefer to see a romantic comedy from and 17 / 30 people said that they prefer to see it in 1st person. 13/30 said they find it hard to stay engaged into a film being told in 1st person. Overall the main question of the questionnaire was ‘why do you watch romantic comedies’ and the males aged 20-23 stated that they watch it because they get dragged to watch it with there female companions,

The participants were then asked, other than this why would you go to the cinemas to watch a romantic comedy females aged between 20-23 stated that they would watch a romantic comedy because it makes them feel better and they feel that sometimes they can relate to the film in situations wise. The younger generation of females aged between 15-19 stated they watch romantic comedies because its entertaining and they make them smile and they feel they have better knowledge on how boys think and what they want, however a lot of the males asked also response was slightly different from the age15-19 as they stated that they would watch a romantic because they are funny and there are always dilemmas in the end which they find amusing, The males aged 23+ stated that they would watch romantic comedies because they feel they’re sometimes interesting to watch, where as the females aged 23+ replied in a unexpected way as they would prefer to watch a horror or thriller but if they where to watch a romantic comedy it would be because they are interested in watching it through the reviews off the mass media.

Due to the feedback I received on my questionnaire, I have decided that I will be doing Romantic Comedy with a target audience of people aged between 15-20. Mainly because of the positive feedback we received from this particular age group.

1 comment:

  1. this is a good analysis. i would have liked some info on how many asked, which age groups and how many in each group, etc as this would have validated your research a little more.
